Seattle Public Utilities

Shape our water?Shape our water?

Shape our water?
Yes, as in: Shape our future. Shape our lives.

Essentially, SPU is shaping water with their pipes all the way from the Cedar River watershed to your house and all the way down to the Sound. The Shape Our Water campaign was developed to help everyone feel a sense of ownership and community around that water, and of the need to help meet the challenges the future will bring for our water.

The Shape Our Water campaign, is a comprehensive, stakeholder-driven plan to guide the next 50 years of Seattle’s equitable and environmentally sound drainage and sewer investments.

For the Shape Our Water campaign, we created the overall theme line, logo, and all the tools for outreach as shown below.



Logo and Tagline



Banner Ads

Print Ads



Direct Response


Recruitment Ads

SPU needed pipe fitters for their amazing paid training program. We created print ads that were also leveraged to digital media and as posters.


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